Mindset is Everything

simple habits Jul 21, 2020

I promised you that we would spend the next couple of weeks focusing on the unknown of the upcoming school year. Find a sticky note and write this down: Mindset is EVERYTHING! I cannot stress this enough this year. Most teachers still have a little bit of time left this summer to start preparing for back to school during a pandemic. Use your time wisely. Get comfortable with technology, find picture books to read, and begin to brainstorm how you can create a classroom community. 

Whether you are teaching in-person, virtually, or following the hybrid model, I promise you that your students will be able to pick up the vibes you are giving off no matter what the grade level. They can feel your frustrations, but they can also feel your love. We will need to love our students so much more this year. I truly believe in a teacher's heart. I do not have children of my own, but I love each and every one of our students as if he/she were my own. And where there is love, there is community. Where there is a community, is when the learning will start to happen.

Right about now you might be asking, "But how? How do I create a positive mindset when no one asked me my opinion about what is happening?" I don't have all of the answers but I can share with you what has been working for me. First, take time for you each and every day. I journal for at least twenty minutes before I get of bed in the morning and the impact on my mindset has been AMAZING. Focus on who you want to become and how you are going to get there. Trust me, it's worth it!

My next suggestion is to meditate at some point during your day. I like to take time before I go to bed and find a meditation for the day. There are so many apps and YouTube options to choose from. I personally enjoy the Simple Habit app. It hits all areas of my life and I just love it! I also feel that meditating helps me relax before I fall asleep so I tend to sleep much more soundly...even when my teacher brain is racing. It somehow turns it off!

Finally, in order to keep a positive attitude, you need a strong community to rely on. Find one or two teacher friends that you can call no matter what. I feel like now is the time for me to create the Lesson Plan Toolbox Community because I am here for you. I have been in education for seventeen years so I have seen and heard many things and am happy to offer you my insight and guidance on your teacher journey. You can find me on Instagram @lessonplantoolbox or send me a direct email at [email protected]. We are in this together! You can and will do this all while making history along the way! Remember to build your Lesson Plan Toolbox every day. Teach, Relax, and Repeat!


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