Teacher Feature Sunday: Volume 14 (Holiday Happiness)

Can you believe it? We are heading into Thanksgiving week with all kinds of different feels this year, but so much to still be thankful for! One of the best parts of the December holiday season is the happiness that comes with it. In my classroom, I always try to make my students feel especially warm and cozy by planning a variety of different activities for them throughout December. It's important to remember that although most us go home and celebrate warm memories with our families, not all of our students have this experience. So with that in mind, I decided years ago to do my best to create warm happy memories right inside my classroom. In this blog, you'll find ideas that worked me and I hope they do the same for you!

The first week back from Thanksgiving vacation I always allow time for students to share about what they did while we were apart. Participation is completely optional because some students are simply private and may not want to share. When we finish this discussion, I segue into a conversation about what we are thankful for and how those thoughts and feelings make us feel. We discuss that Thanksgiving isn't just a day, but a frame of mind that we should pay attention to every day! Next, I have students draw a picture of something or someone they are thankful for. We go around a circle and share our ideas. Finally, I collect them and put them in a small box where I store them for the next three weeks. During these three weeks, I often have students journal about their "Thankful Thought" and focus on how this makes them feel. They LOVE it!

Heading into the second week of school after Thanksgiving vacation, I figure out a special craft activity that I tie into a picture book. This painted hand L-O-V-E activity has become my first choice because so many picture books fit the theme of love.  No matter what faith background a student may celebrate, we all agree that the world needs more love. We wrap these up and students are encouraged to give them to someone special that they love. I also let them make a handmade card to go along with it. They are always so proud to give their gifts away.

Finally, for the last week before Christmas vacation, we participate in Christmas around the world with the primary grades. Our students just love it! It usually takes about two days with the number of rotations we have which is nice because it's less planning. On the last day, we play a game of Lefty Elf. I read a story and students pass a book left or right depending on what it says. I use my Scholastic points to buy books for this activity. I also wrap each book to add to the element of surprise. If you are teaching in-person this is such a fun activity. If you are teaching virtually, maybe you could invite students to participate in a hot cocoa & cookies story time where students can wear their pajamas. Just thinking of this makes me feel oh so very cozy.

If you ask any teacher that knows me what my favorite month to teach is, they will all hands downs tell you December. The magic the children bring to the classroom on top of the excitement I get to create truly warms my heart. I hope you enjoyed these ideas. If you need more, please feel free to reach out to us on Instagram (@lessonplantoolbox) and we'll be happy to help.


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