Teacher Feature Sunday: Volume 16 (Keeping Classrooms Calm During the Holidays)

So it wouldn't be December if we didn't focus on some holiday fun! It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we also need to remember to bring that sense of calm to the classroom (or living room) while still meeting academic standards. It's also important to recognize that not all of our students celebrate Christmas. I know, it is so much to think about, but we're here to help you to keep your classroom calm this holiday season.

Let's first start with my favorite teaching tool, picture books! You can never have enough picture books. Gabrielle Brunk (@mrs.brunksreadalouds) has a collage full of picture books that celebrate different holidays. You can even easily celebrate not so much Christmas Around the World, but rather Holidays Around the World with her selections. Talk about an easy way to learn about different cultures and parts of the world. Think of how much curriculum you can cover! Here is the link so you can keep up with all of Gabrielle's picture book selections: https://www.instagram.com/mrs.brunksreadalouds/

The next way to keep your classroom calm while still being able to implement some holiday fun and curriculum is to set the scene. Mrs. Pounds (@learningbythepound) has simply projected a warm fireplace scene while playing some soft music for her students. What's great is that this can be done virtually or in-person. You can set the mood for your classroom experience while having your students complete a writing assignment, reflection, or mediation time. My mind just felt at ease picturing this as I typed. Click this link for more amazing ideas from Mrs. Pounds: https://www.instagram.com/learningbythepound/

Finally, we all know that as much as we hope our students are experiencing a Hallmark of a holiday season, it simply doesn't happen for all of them. In fact, the holidays can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for our students. Peyton Curley (@thesocialemotionalteacher) has an incredible resource on mindfulness that you need to check out. This resource allows you to talk to your students about anxiety in words that they will understand. She will even give you strategies that students can start to use right away to avoid the oncoming feeling of anxiety. Head to Peyton's link so you can see for yourself: https://www.instagram.com/thesocialemotionalteacher/

December has always been my favorite month to teach because there are so many possibilities and the excitement is incredible. That being said, it so important to still have your students focused and being mindful of their behaviors. We hope these ideas help you to keep the calm in your classroom this holiday season while still enjoying some holiday fun! Feel free to reach out to us on Instagram (@lessonplantoolbox) if you need any more ideas.


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