What to do Wednesday: Feeling Lost

#firstyearteachers Jul 29, 2020

Wednesday's blogs are going to be based on different experiences teachers may have in the classroom. For now, I will create the scenarios and characters and provide feedback on how I would handle the situation. I hope you find this helpful. As our community grows, my vision is to have teachers send me their ideas of what is stressing them out in the classroom so hopefully, I can help.

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I have wanted to become a teacher for my whole ENTIRE life! I would play school when I was young and knew in my heart that I wanted to be in the classroom. I was that student that would stay in from recess to help the teacher hang a bulletin board or pass out papers. I worked in summer camps, tutored, and nannied because my passion is helping children grow.

However, now it's time for me to take on the role of being a lead teacher in a classroom and I am so lost and overwhelmed. I'm preparing for a school year where some students will be in my classroom while others will be learning online. How do you even do that? How do you create that loving environment when you only have half of a class present? How will my families know that I’m here for them if I never really get to meet them? I feel like this is not at all what I signed up for, yet here I am. How do I fall in love with teaching again?

~Feeling Lost

Dear Feeling Lost,

I’m not going to tell you that what you’re feeling is normal because it’s not. Nothing about what any of us educators are facing this school year is normal. You are acknowledging your thoughts and feelings which is a huge key in mental health.

What I can tell you, is that you have the heart and passion of a teacher. You are worried about not being able to make connections not only with your students but your families too. Here’s some good news: you can still show them your love and they’ll feel it. Yes, you’ll have to get creative, but think of how cool it would be if your students were working as partners through devices or the one-on-one meetings you can have with your online learners. As your families see the extent you are going to create that rapport with their children, they are going to love you even more.

Is this year going to be tricky? Yes! But what is important to keep in mind is you have an opportunity to make connections on a whole new level. This is going to be a school year full of promise and hope. We might finally slow the pace of content and focus on what students really need. One might even say that you’re lucky with this being your first year of teaching because you are starting from scratch. Use this year to make yourself a stronger teacher. You can do this! I am happy to help you however I can in your teacher journey. Reach out to me on Instagram at @lessonplantoolbox or email me: [email protected].

Remember to keep building your Lesson Plan Toolbox!





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