What to do Wednesday: Holiday Scaries

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I can't believe how long this school year feels, but at the same time it's also going so fast! When I think about how much of our curriculum I still need to cover this year, the anxiety I feel is unreal. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and before we know it it will be Christmas! Oh. My. Goodness!

As if the stress of this realization isn't enough, I keep thinking about Covid and students being with different family members over their breaks. I can't blame them or their families for wanting to get together, but I feel like with every person they come in contact with I am too. Our numbers are on the rise right now where I am so I know this is why I am having these thoughts. Between the holiday fun the students and families will be having and the temperatures getting colder which means less outside air circulation, this just doesn't seem like a good recipe for being Covid compliant.

Please know that I know how blessed I am to be teaching face-to-face with my students, but this is hard! I feel selfish having these thoughts because I know many teachers are teaching remotely and want nothing more than to come back to the classroom. Right now though, I feel like I may have to quarantine for most of my break because I don't want to expose others to my germs. Covid will end, just not soon enough!

Holiday Scaries

Dear Holiday Scaries,

First, let me acknowledge the fact that everything you are thinking and feeling is quite valid! You are absolutely right that this is hard! Teachers are navigating their way through unchartered territory each and every day with pretty much only each other to rely on. You're doing it and you're going to continue to do it because that 's what teachers do.

Now, that said, I can't tell you how much I love that you are recognizing you're own well-being is more important than holiday vacations. We can't control what families do outside of school. We can only control what happens in our buildings and more specifically in our classrooms.  I think part of the stress of so much of this is that we don't have control and simply don't know what will happen. You can be so very careful, but if a colleague, student, or even your neighbor isn't careful then you can become exposed and that just simply STINKS!

The best advice we can offer is to talk with your administration and express your concerns. Some schools are going remote for the few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas because of so many family get togethers. Other schools are going remote for just a few days after both Thanksgiving break and Christmas break. I am guessing that you have appropriate safety measures already in place at your school, but be sure to clean and disinfect EVERYTHING! You truly can't be too safe. 

You are absolutely correct in saying that this will end because we all know that it will, we just don't know when. Until it does, whether it is the holidays or not please do your best to put your well-being first. You should not feel guilty at all for wanting to be safe. Definitely reach out to us again on Instagram (@lessonplantoolbox) if you need more reassurance throughout the school year.



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