What to do Wednesday: Sub Shortage

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I just need to vent a little bit and I wasn't sure where else I could do it. I know this blog is setup to offer advice and resources to teachers and I LOVE it, but right now I just need to vent!

Our school is a K-5 building in which we started fully remote at the beginning of the year just like many schools. We all adapted and figured out what would work and things were going well. Then, after about five weeks of online instruction our school made the decision to offer in-person learning to those learners that wanted to come back  while also continuing online learning. Ugh! This was hard and seemed close to impossible, but we DID IT!! We are in a groove and making it work. 

Fast forward, to week six of an in-person/online learning format and I can say I am pretty overwhelmed. I am preparing for two different learning styles, Zooming with students during my planning time or after school when they don't understand something, and making countless phone calls. This is a lot and is becoming quite the balancing act! On top of all of this, we don't have any subs that are willing to come in and cover so we are losing our planning time left and right! This causes me to have to stay even later after school because I have to make up my Zoom calls that I miss. I truly think up until this past week I was keeping it all together, but not having my planning time is HARD! I think what is worse is going into a new day not even knowing we're not going to be getting our planning time because we don't get time to think ahead. 

I know our administration is doing the best they can for our staff, students, and families. I know we will get through this just like everyone else. I just wanted to express my thoughts to someone who is not tied to our school to see what you may think. Thanks again for listening!

Sub Shortage

Dear Sub Shortage,

Your dedication to the education profession is amazing! You are putting the needs of  your students and families first which is not an easy task at all! You are doing everything that is expected of you and I'm betting even going above and beyond the call of duty. Bravo!

 This year is beyond overwhelming. I love that you are understanding that your administration is doing their best to make the right decisions for everyone, even though it doesn't always feel that way. One suggestion I have is to maybe talk with your administration to see what the expectations are when you miss your planning time. Can you assign an activity for your in-person students while still making the Zoom call? Can you e-mail the family and state that there will not be a call today because a you have to cover a class? Or can you maybe break up another Zoom call into a shorter session so you can meet with two students during one period? Again, these are all suggestions but might be worth exploring.

My final thoughts on your scenario and how you're feeling is to do your best to set boundaries. Instead of staying late every night, try to stay late one night a week. We all know in the world of education there will ALWAYS be work to do! It is so very important even this year to not let our work become our life. When you are with your family, be with them! When you are at school, decide when you will leave for the day and do it! I know it's easier said than done, but give it a try. Most importantly, give yourself grace in all areas of your life! You are incredible and are doing hard things, but be sure to focus on your needs too.

I truly hope this helps ease your mind and gives you some clarity with how to move forward. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need an ear to listen. We are happy to help you however we can. Best of luck as you move through this school year!


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