Teacher Feature Sunday: Volume 14 (Holiday Happiness)

Can you believe it? We are heading into Thanksgiving week with all kinds of different feels this year, but so much to still be thankful for! One of the best parts of the December holiday season is...

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What to do Wednesday: Sub Shortage

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I just need to vent a little bit and I wasn't sure where else I could do it. I know this blog is setup to offer advice and resources to teachers and I LOVE it, but right...

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Sunday's Teacher Feature: Volume 10 (Halloween Picture Books)

We have made it to the week before Halloween! Congratulations! Wait, no...let's try that again. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Of course, Halloween is going to look different this year, but the fun we can...

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What to do Wednesday: Covid Crazy

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I don't know what it is but lately, I have been so paranoid about this virus. When I was teaching remotely I was okay. I felt protected and took the appropriate...

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What to do Wednesday: Unengaged

Wednesday's blogs are going to be based on different experiences teachers may have in the classroom. For now, I will create the scenarios and characters and provide feedback on how I would handle...

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What to do Wednesday: Techno-Phobia

Wednesday's blogs are going to be based on different experiences teachers may have in the classroom. For now, I will create the scenarios and characters and provide feedback on how I would handle...

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