$657.00 USD

Before you go...

Did you know you can take teacher support to a whole NEW level?

That's right! 

You can provide your teachers with a Virtual Teacher Membership where they have 1:1 access to Lauren while she does their work behind the scenes.

The Virtual Teacher Assistant Membership includes all of the benefits of the Mastermind, but now your teachers will have their very own assistant to delegate daily tasks saving them HOURS of TIME!

Act quickly! There are only 25 teachers accepted into this highly personalized service.

Teach From the Inside Out Masterclass and Mastermind

Go beyond just giving your teachers PD by adding yearlong mastermind support!

Client Benefits: 

  • New Teachers - This is that extra layer of support that EVERY new teacher needs.
  • Seasoned Teachers - Gain new ideas in classroom management and resources like nothing you have ever seen. (Plus earn easy, but beneficial PD hours!)
  • Principals - Take a layer of stress off your plate knowing your teachers have a mentoring/guidance service right at their fingertips.
  • Peer AccountabilityUtilize the community as much or as little as you would like to share stories of triumphs, challenges, and crushing goals.

[ Mastermind services will run from September - May. All sessions will be recorded so teachers are not obligated to attend live. Monthly professional development hours are included, but subject to acceptance by your local district.]