An Attitude of Gratitude Part 1: Thankfulness for Students

#thankfulthoughts Nov 10, 2022

It’s that time of year when we reflect on all the things we are thankful for, grateful, and blessed to have bestowed upon us. So, throughout the month of November, we are going to reflect on each part of the education cycle that creates well-rounded minds of the future. 

First up, let’s show appreciation and gratitude for our students. This may be a tough pill to swallow, but I believe most teachers, even the ones not exactly loving the school year are thankful for the students they come in contact with day in and day out. You were made with the heart of a teacher, so it is simply in your nature to fall in love with your students.

Teachers are some of the most hard-working and under-appreciated members of society. They often put in long hours outside of the classroom to prepare for lessons, grade papers, and meet with parents. But students also teach teachers.


Students Teach Teachers

Many teachers say that their students are their biggest teachers. They learn as much from their students as their students learn from them. It is a two-way street. Teachers learn about different cultures, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds from their students. They also learn patience, flexibility, and how to keep a sense of humor!

Students remind teachers why they got into education in the first place: to make a difference in the lives of young people. Teaching can be a thankless job sometimes, but students help teachers remember why they do what they do. For that, teachers are grateful.

Many teachers are quick to complain about their students, but they should also be grateful for what their students teach them. While it is the teacher’s job to impart knowledge, there is also a lot that students can teach their teachers. Patience and perspective are probably the biggest traits students help instill in teachers.


Students can teach teachers patience. Dealing with a classroom full of rowdy kids can be trying, but it also requires a lot of patience. If teachers can learn to be patient with their students, it will make the learning process much smoother for both parties involved. 

In addition to patience, students can also teach teachers perspectives. Teachers often get so caught up in their own lives that they forget what it’s like to be a student. As educators, we have the privilege of shaping students into their future selves. This is not a task to be taken lightly, and one that we should be most appreciative of teaching.


Entrusted to Your Care

In most cases, teachers spend more time in a day with students than students do with their own families. WOW! Let that sink in for a minute. We are entrusted to care for these students as if they are our own children. This is true more now than probably in any other part of history. This is a privilege that many overlook. 

Yes, there most definitely are tough days. Yes, there most definitely are tough students. Yes, there are definitely times when you may want to quit. The bottom line is that these students have been put into your life for a reason. You may not know what that reason is right now, but somewhere down the line, it will hit you.


Is there any better feeling in the world than when a student calls you “Mom” by mistake? This was always the BIGGEST compliment I could receive from a student because I knew that I made them feel safe in our environment and created a family community. Each and every year my goal was to create a community of brothers and sisters that watched out for each other and cared for one another. My heart gets warm just thinking about these memories.


Students are Our Why!

Odds are pretty strong that if you are in education your goal was to make a difference in the lives of young people. Students are our “why!” We wake up each day with the best of intentions to provide captivating lessons in order to foster learning because we want the best for our learners.

We continue to jump through the hoops of the education system because we know that our students need us and teaching is our passion. Students are truly the inspiration that get us out of bed each and every day.

Is anything more magical than seeing a child’s face light up when they finally grasp a new concept? You become just as excited as the student which sets a whole new fire of motivation within you.



Teachers are grateful for what students teach them. It is through the interactions with students that teachers learn and grow. They learn about different cultures and lifestyles. They also learn patience, understanding, and how to build relationships.

Teachers would not be the educators they are today without the students they have taught. Each student brings something special and unique to the classroom. They enrich the lives of their teachers and help them become better people.

Did you know...

 We are so passionate about helping primary teachers that we are now inviting teachers to simply write a reflection on this blog post, take a picture, and send it to us on Instagram or via email ([email protected]). 

Once you do that, then you will receive a 1-hour professional development certificate for FREE! 

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 If you enjoyed this post, then you'll want to read about the three pillars to combat stress and burnout.

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We continue to support K-3 teachers, both new teachers, and veterans, on their journeys. If you are interested in earning the EASIEST PD hours you will ever learn, then be sure to check this out. Feel free to contact us with any thoughts or questions. You can earn 60 HOURS in 1 year! (Grant opportunities are available!)

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Until next week...



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