Beat the End of the Year Chaos: Proven Tips for Managing Whining, Crying, Yelling

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Welcome back to the world of Lesson Plan Toolbox where we help primary and early childhood teachers master classroom management (even at the end of the school year). If you did not know, we also organize a Mastering Classroom Management Book Club through Facebook for teachers of any grade and subject area. Since the end of the school year can be pretty tricky with student behavior and classroom management, we posed the question to teachers in our book club group: “What are the biggest issues you are seeing in your classroom as the school year winds down.”

Oh boy, did the comments come in!

Today, we are going to offer suggestions to the teacher who stated, “My students are whining, crying, and throwing tantrums. Plus, the have been yelling across the room at each other.”

 As I say these words, I can feel the level of frustration that this teacher is probably experiencing day in and day out, and trust me it is no easy way to live. This is exactly why we created the Lesson Plan Toolbox: Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Membership.


So let’s get started with some strategies that can help this courageous teacher end the school year strong.

Let's start with the whining, crying, and tantrum behaviors. Often, these stem from students lacking the skills to regulate their big emotions appropriately. Take some time to explicitly teach calming strategies like deep breathing exercises, using a quiet corner to reset, or squeezing a stress ball. Model these techniques yourself and provide a lot of specific praise when you see students utilizing them. Building self-regulation skills is so important.


As for the yelling and conflicts between students, the root issue may be a lack of positive communication abilities. Dedicate lessons to teaching phrases like "I feel... when you..." and problem-solving strategies such as compromising. Role-play how to have respectful disagreements using an appropriate tone of voice. Intervene quickly when you see yelling incidents start to prevent them from escalating.


Consistency is going to be the key to turning your classroom management around. Commit to following through every single time with a clear system of consequences for these misbehaviors. But avoid harsh punishments - the consequences should simply help students reset. You may also need to reteach, model, and frequently reinforce your behavior expectations.

My guess is these behaviors have likely pushed you to your limit at times. Please don't try to go it alone! In addition to reaching out to colleagues, counselors, behavior specialists, or administrators for support, consider utilizing our online Lesson Plan Toolbox Membership. It provides practical video trainings and done-for-you resources to directly address student behavior and classroom management challenges. The Student Behavior Scenario of the Day Cards, in particular, make it easy to consistently teach and reinforce positive behaviors in just 5 minutes a day. Once you join the membership, you gain INSTANT access to these cards.

 You've got this! Remain patient, stick to a consistent plan, and take advantage of all the support available to you, including Lesson Plan Toolbox. By prioritizing regulation skills, positive communication, following through with consequences, and leveraging targeted resources, you can absolutely regain control of these disruptive behaviors before the year ends. One step at a time, you've got this!

Let's Dive Deeper:

If you are ready to dive deeper, then you DEFINITELY want to check out our membership options. We even offer a sponsor option if you want to have someone gift you this membership to help set you up for a year of ease and consistency in your classroom.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Your dedication, passion, and commitment to excellence inspire us every day.


Be sure to grab your FREE ebook: Empowering Primary Teachers: Effectively Manage Disruptive and Violent Behaviors in the Classroom.




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