What to do Wednesday: Masking in Kinder?

#wearamask Aug 05, 2020

Wednesday's blogs are going to be based on different experiences teachers may have in the classroom. For now, I will create the scenarios and characters and provide feedback on how I would handle the situation. I hope you find this helpful. As our community grows, my vision is to have teachers send me their ideas of what is stressing them out in the classroom so hopefully, I can help.

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

Our state has many different versions of what school will look like next year, as I'm sure many do. My school is giving families the choice of 5-days in school or 5-days online and they can reevaluate each quarter. Like most teachers, I have mixed emotions. Our pandemic plan calls for students in grades 3-8 to wear masks while masks would be strongly encouraged in grades kindergarten-2. However, now our governor mandated masks for all K-12 students. Please don't get me wrong, I think masks are so very important, but how in the world is a kindergarten teacher going to manage face masks on top of everything else? My students love to touch and play with anything they can get their hands on not to mention keeping them sanitary. If you could let me know your thoughts, suggestions, or advice that would be great!


Masking in Kinder

Dear Masking in Kinder,

Trust me, I know this is a lot! This is a lot for EVERYONE! I'm so glad you found this platform to express your concerns because it's so important to acknowledge and address them. What you're thinking and feeling is real and is probably being felt by so many other teachers. So take a deep breath and let's see if we can come up with a plan.

Not only will masks be an adjustment for all students, but the duration of how long students will be wearing a mask is going to be tricky too. I would be sure to connect with families and strongly suggest that they start having their students wear a mask for gradual time intervals. This will help them to build stamina so it doesn't seem so tedious. I heard somewhere through all of this that eventually wearing face masks will be like wearing a bike helmet. At first, nobody wanted to do it, but now you rarely see a child without one.  

I also think it will be important to build in "masking breaks" where maybe you go outside for a class or two throughout the day. Students always think it is such a treat to learn outside, and you'll know they are getting a break from wearing it. Even if you just end up doing a "GoNoodle" short break outside, I think that would be perfect! When it's time to put the mask back on again perhaps have a class chant so students enjoy putting it back on. Whenever we can make an experience fun, the kiddos love it!

As far as sanitation concerns, those are quite valid. We don't want students putting a mask by there mouth that has been touched by others or thrown on the floor. One answer I came across for this problem is to use lanyards that have the clips on either end. The mask can be clipped to either end of the lanyard and the student can wear it throughout the day. It seems like this would help with avoiding masks getting confused or being left behind (especially at lunch!)

I hope this provided some clarity for you. Please continue to reach out to me (@lessonplantoolbox) if there is anything you might need. I am happy to do my best to help you. Remember to keep building your Lesson Plan Toolbox. 

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Lesson Plan Toolbox


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