How To Not Go Broke While Preparing For Your First Classroom

Are you like so many teachers (myself included) where as soon as all the back to school items are on store shelves you’re stocking up on all the good deals “just in case” you need...

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Iā€™m Hired! The 5 Key Tips For Preparing Your First Classroom

Congratulations! You did it! You landed your first teaching position for next school year and finally have your own classroom. You should be so excited because you are about to embark on a journey...

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Still Searching For That Primary Teaching Job - Can't Get Hired

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

So I am kind of freaking out right now because it’s the middle of June and I still don’t have a job. I had no idea that getting that one solid teacher...

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Changing the Recipe of Education For 21st Century Learning Doesnā€™t Have To Be Scary

More than likely if you are reading this then you are either on summer vacation or are about to begin it. This is always a great time to reflect on the year and savor everything that went well...

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Top 5 Must Listen Summertime Podcasts For Teachers

One of the favorite joys of summer is having time to do the things you don’t always get to do during the school year. One of those things might just be listening to podcasts. Podcasts are a...

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Top 10 Teacher's Summer Reading List - A Little Something For Everyone

Can you hear that? Do you know what that is? It’s the sound of summer knocking on our door which means it is time to get that summer reading list ready. Some teachers are winding down...

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The 6 Best Ways Teachers Can Organize At The End Of The School Year

Are you a teacher who does the final countdown? If you are, then let the countdown begin! If not, no worries at all...I was never that teacher either, and the last day still fell upon like it...

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End Of The Year Engagement For Primary Teachers - FUN Activities

This time of year the one song that runs through my head is “The Final Countdown.” Anyone else? It is so incredibly hard to believe that we have made it through this school year and are...

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Mother's Day Craftivities - Simple and Ready To Go

Keep calm. Don’t freak out. This is just a gentle reminder that Sunday is MOTHER’S DAY! If you’re anything like most teachers this time of year, then Mother’s Day just snuck...

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Decisions for the 2021-2022 School Year - What's A Teacher To Do?

The million dollar question on the minds of most teachers right now as contracts and decisions are being made for the upcoming school year, is what will next year look like? Will there be social...

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