10 Simple Ways to Make End-of-Year Celebrations Stress-Free for Primary Teachers!

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As the school year draws to a close, primary teachers often find themselves juggling numerous tasks while planning end-of-year activities and...

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Expert Tips for Handling Overbearing Parents

Use this link for the YOUTUBE video of this post.

Hey there, teacher friends!

Welcome to the Lesson Plan Toolbox: End of the School Year Classroom Management Strategies. Teachers reached out to us...

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How to Regain Control When Students Won't Stop Talking

CLICK this link for the YOUTUBE video of this post.

Welcome to the Lesson Plan Toolbox: End of the School Year Classroom Management Strategies. Teachers reached out to us with some of their...

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Beat the End of the Year Chaos: Proven Tips for Managing Whining, Crying, Yelling

Click this link for the YouTube video of this post.

Welcome back to the world of Lesson Plan Toolbox where we help primary and early childhood teachers master classroom management (even at the end...

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Revolutionizing Classroom Management: The Game-Changing Solution for Primary Teachers

Hello Teacher Friends…


It’s been a minute since we’ve been on the blog, but we’ve been listening to teachers and have made this platform even BETTER!


I am...

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An Attitude of Gratitude Part 3: Thankfulness for Teachers

Gratitude. This is the season of the year when many of us focus on being grateful for our family, friends, health, and all that we have. However, it is important to remember to take time each and...

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An Attitude of Gratitude Part 2: Thankfulness for Families

Here we are in week 2 of our gratitude month and it couldn’t feel more like Thanksgiving here in the Midwest. The leaves are all off the trees, a flake or two have been spotted, and most of...

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An Attitude of Gratitude Part 1: Thankfulness for Students

It’s that time of year when we reflect on all the things we are thankful for, grateful, and blessed to have bestowed upon us. So, throughout the month of November, we are going to reflect on...

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3 Pillars Toward Combatting Primary Teacher Stress and Burnout

3 Pillars toward Combatting Teacher Stress and Burnout

If you’ve been reading the blog these past few weeks, hopefully, you have noticed a theme targeting that teaching is one of the most...

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Pillar #3: Peer Connections is the Missing Link in Educator Growth

Pillar #3 Peer Connections the Missing Link in Educator Growth

A HUGE piece of my vision for Lesson Plan Toolbox beyond supporting primary teachers so they can avoid burnout and overwhelm is to...

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