What to do Wednesday: Sub Shortage

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I just need to vent a little bit and I wasn't sure where else I could do it. I know this blog is setup to offer advice and resources to teachers and I LOVE it, but right...

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What to do Wednesday: Recess Reform

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I am writing to inquire about one of my students. She is a first grader, that I know genuinely wants to make good choices, but often things don't work out that way. When...

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Teacher Feature Sunday: Volume 11 (Steamy STEM)

When I first started teaching I had never heard of STEM education before. We taught each subject daily and projects were completed at home. Fast forward a few years and slowly but surely I started...

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What to do Wednesday: Conference Collision

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

Oh my gosh! I can't even begin to tell you the stress and anxiety I'm feeling right now and I don't know what to do. On top of everything going on at school, we are now...

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What to do Wednesday: Covid Crazy

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I don't know what it is but lately, I have been so paranoid about this virus. When I was teaching remotely I was okay. I felt protected and took the appropriate...

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What to do Wednesday: Old School

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

Lately, I have been feeling so "old school" and I'm not too sure how to snap out of this. I have been at my school for 18 years now and it does feel like home. I love my...

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What to do Wednesday: Uniform Battle

Wednesdays’ blogs are going to be based on different experiences teachers may have in the classroom. For now, I will create the scenarios and characters and provide feedback on how I would...

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What to do Wednesday: Halloween in a Pandemic

Dear Lesson Plan Toolbox,

I teach in a school where we can celebrate Halloween and we just love it! Our parents come in and organize games for the kids, our students can wear their costumes, and...

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What to do Wednesday: Drawing A Blank

Wednesdays’ blogs are going to be based on different experiences teachers may have in the classroom. For now, I will create the scenarios and characters and provide feedback on how I would...

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Teacher Feature Sunday: Volume 5 (#techtips)

Oh, the Googling I've done these past few weeks of being back in school. We are all using so much technology and there is so much to learn for all of the different platforms. I am going to share...

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